Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a very slow massage technique, which works to ease pain and tension. Trigger point therapy is included in this session. Other massage techniques, can and will be used during your session to aid relaxation, but deep tissue massage techniques are more intense with slower, deeper pressure placed on the problem areas. Although it can initially be slightly uncomfortable, it should never be more so than that "hurts so good" feeling. Deep tissue massage has been proven to be more effective in giving pain relief than many prescription medications, exercises, or physiotherapy, and usually the improvements can be noticed immediately after treatment.
60 minutes $105, 90 minutes $135
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is generally what’s considered a full body massage, as it usually works on all major muscle groups in the body. Swedish massage can increase one’s flexibility because it stretches the ligaments and tendons, and Swedish massage is specifically designed to relax the muscles. It also helps flush the body tissues of uric and lactic acid and other metabolic waste. Swedish massage uses gentle but firm pressure to improve circulation and ease muscle tension and pain.
60 minutes $105, 90 minutes $135
Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy/Scar Release (SRT)
Microcurrent Point Stimulation, or MPS, is a noninvasive treatment of chronic neuromyofacial pain. It is grounded on the principle of drug-free manipulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) by combining the Eastern philosophies of accupuncture and Western neurology.
Utilizing a microcurrent neurostim device to release scar tissue (Neural Therapy), address nerve impingement (Radiculopathy), release tight muscles and trigger points and balance the ANS can help release fascial restrictions and relieve pain, often times instantaneously.
MPS Therapy is also a simple, safe, affordable, effective and efficient alternative to traditional accupuncture. Using D/C current (the same current the brain naturally produces) to activate energy pathways (meridians) provides faster results and no needles!
60 mins- $105, 90 mins $135
Injury Massage
Rehabilitating any injury can be a tiring and frustrating process. While the main goal of physical rehabilitation is to increase strength and flexibility, it often ends before the area has been returned to its full pre-injury state. Massage plays an important role as a supplement to standard injury rehabilitation procedures. By encouraging circulatory movement and relaxing muscles, massage helps the body pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs. This allows the rehabilitating injured area(s) to become more flexible and heal at an accelerated rate.
60 minutes (integrative massage) $105
Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which your therapist uses special cups on your skin to create suction. Benefits include reduced pain & inflammation, increased blood flow, range of motion, relaxation and well-being, faster elimination of waste products and as a type of deep tissue massage.
*You may have Cupping Therapy integrated into any massage session at no additional charge by asking your therapist before your session begins, or schedule as a stand-alone session.
60 minutes $105
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
A gentle hands-on treatment that may provide relief from a variety of symptoms including headaches, neck pain and side effects of cancer treatment among many other. CST uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity. The therapist uses gentle pressure techniques to assess the existence of possible disruptions and/or restrictions in your fascial system. Light touch and fascial release may help your muscles and organs naturally relieve stress, which improves function. Other patients often report feeling a sense of deep relaxation. The therapy can be used successfully with children and adults.
*No additional charge for CST performed during another session.
The daughter of a veteran US Marine, Kimberly is proud to offer a 10% discount on any service to all active and retired US military personnel. Thank you for your service.
Kimberly McCleary - Biograpy
Kimber's interest in Massage Therapy was first kindled by a Chiropractor friend who thought she would be a great fit for the profession. She visited the Baltimore School of Massage and immediately fell in love with the program. She enrolled that day and graduated in 2010.
After more than 20 years in customer service, she found her passion was not only serving people, but helping them to enhance their lives by facilitating healing in the body. Compassionately assisting with pain or stress relief, helping the body to perform better and become stronger naturally, recovering more quickly and with less pain after an injury or surgery, and empowering clients with information so they can be in control of their wellness journey are all reasons why she is a practicing Licensed Massage Therapist and former Chiropractic Assistant.
As a wife and mother of two sons with their own health challenges, she understands how important taking care of the body, inside and out, is to living life to it's fullest potential, and she's excited to help you do just that.
Contact Kimber
to schedule a session.
A better you begins today.